On Dec.4, Prof. Vincent Deubel was awarded Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur by the French Ambassador to China, His Excellency Mr. Hervé Ladsous. H.E. Mr. Ladsous highly commended Prof. Deubel’s devotion to the biomedical research in the world by transferring scientific knowledge in France, Africa, Asia particularly in China, sharing Pasteurian spirit. H.E. Mr. Ladsous congratulated Prof. Deubel as a Director General for the remarkable progress of the Institut Pasteur of Shanghai starting from zero, which represents a good example of Sino-French cooperation thanks to the joint efforts of its Chinese and French partners. At the end of his introduction, H.E.Mr. Ladsous applauded Prof. Deubel by saying that he honored France and the scientific community.
In his gratitude speech, Pr. Deubel first thanked H.E. Mr. Ladsous who honored this prestigious moment and his eulogy. Then on his long list of gratitude, Prof. Deubel thanked all his leaders, colleagues, friends, and his family for their support, trust, understanding, instruction and love.